Queen Elizabeth II found Trump “Very Rude”

In a surprising revelation from a newly serialized biography, Queen Elizabeth II, often regarded for her diplomatic finesse and sharp judgment of character, reportedly found former U.S. President Donald Trump “very rude” during his visits to the United Kingdom. The claims, made by veteran journalist Craig Brown in his latest book A Voyage Around The Queen, offer a rare glimpse into the late monarch’s personal thoughts on her interactions with Trump.

The book, which is being serialized in the Daily Mail, recounts a series of anecdotes that paint a less-than-flattering picture of Trump’s behavior during his state visits to the UK in 2018 and 2019. According to Brown, the Queen expressed her displeasure to a guest at a lunch, specifically criticizing Trump’s habit of looking over her shoulder, as if searching for someone more interesting to engage with. This behavior, she reportedly told her guest, struck her as particularly disrespectful.

Brown, known for his insider knowledge of elite British society and his previous works on figures like Princess Margaret, adds another layer of intrigue by recounting the Queen’s musings about Trump’s relationship with his wife, Melania. The Queen reportedly speculated that there must be “some sort of arrangement” between the couple, questioning why Melania would remain married to him otherwise.

These insights contrast sharply with Trump’s own public comments about the Queen, whom he has frequently praised. After his 2019 state visit, Trump claimed in a Fox News interview that he and the Queen had a great rapport, saying, “We were laughing and having fun. And her people said she hasn’t had so much fun in 25 years.” He even humorously noted that he was criticized for enjoying the visit too much.

However, Brown’s account suggests that the Queen’s private views were far from the cordiality often displayed in public. The biography, blending well-known stories with new anecdotes, offers a complex portrayal of the Queen’s interactions with Trump, revealing her discomfort with his demeanor and her subtle, yet pointed, observations about his marriage.

As more excerpts from Brown’s A Voyage Around The Queen are released, they are likely to spark further interest and debate, shedding new light on the private thoughts of one of the world’s most respected figures during a particularly turbulent period in global politics.

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