Pгιпce Geoгge aпd Pгιпce Loυιs’ ιпcгedιbly kιпd gestυгe foг Pгιпcess Chaгlotte dυгιпg Chгιstmas walkaboυt

During the yearly Sandringham walkabout, Prince George and Prince Louis demonstrated their affectionate relationship with Princess Charlotte, their sister.

Thousands of fans waited in line to see the royals, and many of them brought gifts, primarily chocolate, to give to the young children. Louis rushed up to grab some chocolate, which he then tried to give to his older sister, as the young royals were seen handling an abundance of sweet treats.

Regretfully, Prince William ended up with the sweet treat because it seemed like a wire crossed during the exchange. George was fortunately available to return to the crowd member and retrieve another chocolate, ensuring that it reached his sister.

Fortunately, the children will be able to keep all of the chocolates and plush toys they were given, despite a number of royal protocols governing whether members of the royal family are permitted to accept gifts.

In addition to gifts of modest monetary value (less than £150), royals are permitted to accept gifts from the general public that include food and other consumables.

William appeared genuinely appreciative of the public during the family’s walkabout as he saw his kids get thoughtful presents from well-wishers on the Sandringham grounds.

Charlotte was heard saying, “Papa, can you carry some?” as the young royals appeared to be overwhelmed by the quantity of presents. William said to onlookers, “Flowers [pointing at Charlotte], chocolate [pointing at Louis], very easy!” in amusement at Louis’ ample stash.

Previously, at a carol concert hosted by their mother, the Princess of Wales, Charlotte and Louis displayed their strong relationship.

Prince William and the kids waiting for Catherine

When Richard E. Grant read a passage from A Christmas Carol during the service, the royals were seen grinning and laughing. His facial expressions and voice brought Scrooge and Tiny Tim to life.

At one point, Louis and his eleven-year-old older brother, Prince George, both smiled as Charlotte turned to face her mother, Catherine.

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