Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left RED-FACED over Colombia tour fury

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have come under fire following their recent four-day tour of Colombia, leaving the couple reportedly “embarrassed” by the backlash. The trip, which was undertaken at the invitation of Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez, aimed to highlight pressing issues in the country and boost the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s profile in Hollywood. However, the visit has been met with mixed reactions, echoing criticisms they faced during a previous trip to Nigeria.

A source close to the couple revealed to OK! Magazine that the Duke and Duchess had anticipated a positive reception, hoping the tour would enhance their standing in both philanthropic and entertainment circles. Instead, they were confronted with accusations of imitating a “royal tour,” which has led to considerable public and media criticism.

The source elaborated, “Both Meghan and Harry are keen to do more of these tours as they genuinely enjoy them and find them fulfilling. However, this latest backlash has been a setback. They faced similar criticisms during their visit to Nigeria, which only compounds their current embarrassment.”

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle receive bad news after Colombia trip

The tour was marred by allegations that the security costs for the visit amounted to £1.5 million, a figure that sparked outrage given Colombia’s socio-economic struggles. Despite these claims, El País reports that the Colombian Ministry clarified that the Sussexes financed their trip through their “own resources,” supplemented by international agencies.

The source noted, “Harry and Meghan were aware that their profile could draw attention to important issues, and they hoped these trips would also bolster their brand in Hollywood. While they are committed to continuing their charitable work, they are now reconsidering their approach to avoid further controversies and restore their public image.”

As the couple reflects on their recent experiences, the uncertainty surrounding their future philanthropic endeavors remains. Their ongoing efforts to balance their personal brand with meaningful contributions continue to be a focal point of public and media scrutiny.

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